MoneyMind - Short Form Automation

How I Auto Schedule & Post 100+ Videos at ONCE...

So you want to automate an entire social media page? I gotchu…
Here’s How I do it:

-First I download every video from an account on social media.

-You can Bulk download from an Insta, TikTok, or YT account using:

-Then, take all the videos and upload them to a Google Drive folder.

-Now the Magic Happens,
here’s how you automatically schedule everything:

-Make an account with Repurpose, there’s a free trial so you can just test it out.

-Now, connect your Google Drive, and connect your social media accounts to repurpose.

-Make the connection, and turn it to automatic, select “automatically schedule”, and choose the time intervals you want to upload.

Congrats, you’re done.
You’re well on your way to growing a huge social media account on auto that you can run sponsored posts for or even just sell if you want.

Stayed tuned for the next email where I provide even more value.