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  • Money Mind - How Casinos Use Psychology to Make $$$

Money Mind - How Casinos Use Psychology to Make $$$

And How You Can Too...

I’m about to reveal how casinos addict gamblers to start printing infinite $$$.

Is this method ethical?
Arm yourself with this information wisely.

It’s called Variable Ratio Schedules (VRS), which is a psychological way of rewarding someone by doing so UNPREDICTABLY.

When a gambler pulls the arm on a slot machine (the action), they don’t know wether it will be one or one-hundred spins before they win big (the reward).

When the reward is predictable, the consumer gets bored.
When the reward is unpredictable, the consumer can’t help but pull the arm.

Tinder does this by rewarding you with a hot girl unpredictably.
TikTok does this by rewarding you with a dopamine-inducing video unpredictably.
Luxury brands do this by using limited product drops unpredictably.
The list goes on…

You need to reward you customer with a big reward. But do it, RANDOMLY.

And if you use VRS right, you’ll find yourself with an army of addicted customers, who can’t wait to pay you.

As I said, this method isn’t necessarily ethical, but if you use it correctly you will find yourself using the exact same strategies that make some of the worlds biggest companies rich.
