Memes = $85 Million

You're not gonna believe this...

What if you could make a fortune by posting memes?

Well, you can now.

The famous Instagram meme page @Daquan sold for $85 million, along with a couple of other pages.

You can see all the other pages here:

But this proves it, attention is the most valuable resource you can get in today’s economy.

So here’s how you’re going to get it.

Create. Create. Create.

It doesn’t even matter what you post. If memes can be worth $85 million then whatever you post can too, as long as it has enough eyeballs.

Find whatever you’re good at or you like, and post about it. Post on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, or any social media platform.

I personally use this tool to post to all of them at once.

If you play the game long enough, you WILL get attention. And where attention goes, money flows baby.

If you want a community of people who are all aiming towards the same thing, you can join the discord:

Money Mind